Relationships Matter. We love making people happy!
Since its founding in 1988, the philosophy of RuCrafts Designs, LLC is to "be there even when you can’t"!
Our strong belief that “relationships matter” is a key driving force of our business!
We, at RuCrafts Designs, help to make it easy for you to say that you care and to leave a positive lasting impression with co-workers, peers, employees, family, and friends.
A gift from RuCrafts Designs shows how important you think a person or group is in your life.
Our gifts are inspirationally designed as well as creatively and conscientiously prepared for you to give to others.
RuCrafts Designs is a favorite for gift basket lovers because:
Our high quality gifts are presented in an eco-friendly, sustainable manner
All our food products are kosher certified
Our customer service is prompt and courteous for you to give to others. Our gifts are distinctly yours!
Our gifts are inspirationally designed as well as creatively and conscientiously prepared
Every gift basket or food product is of the highest level of quality and freshness
The opportunity to discuss how we can be of help to you with letting others know that they matter is welcomed. Look forward to meeting…talking at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
Rhonda Cohen